Sunday, September 30, 2012

Investors prepare for Obama victory, more gridlock

By MATTHEW CRAFT, Associated Press

NEW YORK --?As President Barack Obama widened his lead over Mitt Romney in polls this month, traders at hedge funds and investment firms began shooting e-mails to clients with a similar theme: It's time to start preparing for an Obama victory.?

What many in the market worry about isn't that high earners may pay more in taxes if Obama wins. It's gridlock in Washington come January, when more than $600 billion in spending cuts and tax hikes could kick in just as the country smacks into its borrowing limit again.?

In a second term, Obama would likely be pitted against a Republican-controlled House of Representatives. Investors say that's likely to set up a budget battle similar to August of last year, which ended with the country losing its top credit rating and panicked investors fleeing the stock market.

"If you have any kind of gridlock, you run the risk of inaction," says Tom Simons, a market economist at the investment bank Jefferies. "This is a situation where inaction is the worst outcome."

The next fight could get just as messy, but most on Wall Street think Congress and Obama would eventually manage to postpone some of the $600-billion-plus "fiscal cliff" and avoid tipping the economy into a recession.

The Congressional Budget Office recently laid out the grim consequences of dropping off the fiscal cliff. The economy would shrink at an annual rate of nearly 3 percent in the first half of next year and push unemployment up to 9.1 percent by the fall. Recent surveys of businesses suggest the threat is already weighing on the minds of executives when they're making hiring and spending plans.

For the world's biggest money managers, the fiscal cliff now ranks as the greatest hazard to the global economy, according to Bank of America's most recent fund manager survey. It topped the European debt crisis, a collapse in Chinese real estate and even a war between Israel and Iran.

The danger looms so large to most investors that they believe Washington will find a way to escape it.

"Ultimately, I think a deal gets done, but it's just a question of how long it takes to get there," says Jeff Kleintop, chief market strategist at LPL Financial. "By no means is it going to be an easy process. Gridlock means there's a greater chance that this drags on into next year."

Analysts at investment firms have kept a close eye on polling numbers and especially on the prediction market Intrade. National polls show voters leaning toward Obama. On Intrade, the odds have swung strongly in Obama's direction, jumping to a 76 percent chance of re-election, up from 51 percent at the start of September.

Democrats are far less likely to take the House from Republicans, who hold a 50-seat majority. Intrade markets put the chance that Republicans will control the House at 74 percent.

If these forecasts prove right, the balance of power in Washington would remain the same. Democrats keep the White House and a slim majority in the Senate, and Republicans keep the House.

What troubles investors is that the same cast of characters who fought over raising the debt ceiling last year could be taking up the same task again while debating how best to maneuver around the fiscal cliff.

Expect to see a replay of the debt-ceiling fight, says Ian Lyngen, a senior government bond strategist at CRT Capital. Except that this time the stakes are even higher.

"I'm sure it's going to go just like it did last time ? very messy," Lyngen says. "It will probably be a repeat of what we saw in the summer of 2011."

In one dizzying stretch that August, the Dow Jones industrial average dropped 2,000 points in three weeks.

The widespread belief on Wall Street is that Congress and Obama will start negotiations over raising the debt limit and pushing back the fiscal cliff when they return in late November ? the so-called lame-duck session, because newly elected members of Congress will not have taken their seats.

Twists in the talks will likely rattle markets as the new year approaches.

"Ugly negotiations in the lame-duck session could really throw the market for a loop," says Kleintop. "It could be a painful process for investors."

In a report out this week, analysts at Goldman Sachs tried to estimate just how painful the process will be. Goldman expects the stock market will start sinking after the elections as people realize the fiscal cliff "will not be solved in a smooth fashion."

That's the reason Goldman forecasts that one broad measure of the stock market, the Standard & Poor's 500 index, will end this year at 1,250 ? a 13 percent drop from where it closed Thursday.

But all of that mayhem sounds better than the alternative: another recession caused by letting the $600 billion in tax increases and spending cuts through. It's also why many take solace in the idea that, whatever their political party, nobody wants the economy to shrink.

Dan Greenhaus, chief global strategist at the brokerage BTIG, wonders if that's placing too much faith in Washington. "Republicans aren't losing the House," Greenhaus said. "So as the odds of Obama winning reelection go up, what you have to ask is: How are these two parties going to find middle ground in just a few months? I have no idea."

Below, James Poterba, National Bureau of Economic Research president, explains to CNBC how current fiscal policy could lead the nation into a recession if the economy falls off the fiscal cliff.

? 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Retiring Early ? It's Possible for Everyone - Internet Network ...

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Most people who have worked any length of time understand what retirement can be. They also know it usually takes a long time to get to that opportunity, and it requires a good amount of savings to pay for it. For decades people earned retirement through 30 to 40 years of work for an employer and receiving a pension in exchange along with salary. At the end of the work period, the employee gained a permanent, monthly stipend as a pension to live on comfortably, along with social security payments.

Today, that comfortable pension idea of retirement exists now as a memory long gone. Most employment retirement plans consist of what people save themselves in 401k plans. Instead, people now see themselves working until 70 or longer, just to come up with the money to pay for retirement. However, the idea of retirement remains strong. Further, if there was a way to retire early, people would love to know it. That said, multiple ways exist that one can choose on how to retire early or faster than working away until one?s senior years. These include:

1. Winning the Lottery or Gambling ? this method of early retirement is highly unlikely and improbable for 99 percent of the population. That said, it does happen. However, people shouldn?t assume by spending enough money that a win will occur. The probability is so high, getting zapped by a lightning bolt is far more likely.

2. Winning a Lawsuit ? again, while technically possible, a lawsuit that wins a person millions of dollars usually involves some kind of serious trauma, loss or injury. When that loss is considered, most people would not want that kind of injury to occur. Further, many lawsuits last for years before any kind of judgment or settlement occurs. By the time it does, the legal representation immediately takes a third of the judgment and the IRS and taxes take at least another third. Those millions of dollars begin to shrink real fast for all the frustration and pain that was involved.

3. Starting a Successful Business ? Creating one?s own business is probably one of the most common and practical ways of reaching retirement early. It can be a gateway to not only financial security but also a pathway to self-fulfillment. Businesses can grow exponentially within a very short period of time if developed, pushed and operated the right way in the right market. This avenue provides a reachable, viable mode of generating large amounts of financial assets for a person quickly, large enough to retire early if saved and invested properly.

If you?re interested in understand a realistic way on how to retire early, creating your own revenue stream through your own business is the most probably way to do so. And knowledge is power in this avenue of success. So if you?re tired of working for someone else, look to a business path as your answer. And you too can retire early.

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Bacon Shortages, Free Speech, and the Making of a President

President Ronald Reagan, commemorating the 750th anniversary of Berlin, addresses on June 1987 the people of West Berlin near the Berlin wall. President Reagan famously exhorted Mikhail Gorbachev to "Tear down this wall," in a Berlin speech. Does it matter if a president is a great orator?

Photo by Mike Sargent/AFP/Getty Images.

?How To Measure for a President: Suppose the presidential campaign was settled by a job interview. Here?s what we should look for,? by John Dickerson. As we enter the home stretch of the presidential campaign, John Dickerson explores what qualities a candidate needs to be a good president. He argues that candidates must know how to play politics, and he also talks about what it takes to manage a White House staff.

??Pop Art: The brilliant redesign of the soda can tab,? by Tom Vanderbilt. It?s been 35 years since Jimmy Buffett ?blew out [his] flip flop/ and stepped on a pop top.? Now Tom Vanderbilt explores the simple engineering marvel that replaced the old, dangerous metal scraps. But oddly enough, attaching the tab to the can still hasn?t kept kids from swallowing it.

?The World Doesn?t Love the First Amendment: The vile anti-Muslim video shows that the U.S. overvalues free speech,? by Eric Posner. In this provocative piece, University of Chicago law professor Eric Posner puts American regard for freedom of expression in an international context?and suggests we might be the ones in the wrong.

?Why You Hate Cyclists: Partly because of jerks like me. But it?s mostly your own illogical mind,? by Jim Saksa. What explains the never-ending war between drivers and bikers? Not maniac cyclists?science: ?When it comes to cyclists, once some clown on two wheels almost kills himself with your car, you furiously decide that bicyclists are assholes,? Saksa writes, ?and that conclusion will be hard to shake regardless of countervailing facts, stats, or arguments.?

?Human Rights, the Death Penalty, and Affirmative Action: What will the Supreme Court decide in this term?s first big cases?? by Emily Bazelon. On the docket this fall: Does a 1789 anti-piracy statute allow cases against foreign corporations in American courts for human rights abuses on foreign soil? Can we execute defendants who are found mentally incompetent to help their lawyers with appeals? And will the Court strike down affirmative action? Emily Bazelon offers a preview.

?How Can We Stop Pedophiles? Stop treating them like monsters,? by Jennifer Blyer. Pedophiles might struggle with sexual attraction to children for years before they abuse, but mandatory reporting requirements discourage them from seeking help. Jennifer Blyer recommends treating pedophilia as an unchangeable neurological condition and teaching mental health professionals how to offer treatment?before it?s too late.

?Who Was the Most Religious President of All Time? They called him ?The Deacon,?? by Forrest Wickman. This week, The New Yorker?s r Nicholas Lemann wrote that Mitt Romney ?would arguably be the most actively religious President in American history.? But which president holds the title right now? Forrest Wickman suggests it?s Jimmy Carter, who went door-to-door introducing himself as a peanut farmer/missionary.

?House of Pain: Obama may be president. Democrats may keep the Senate. But the House isn?t going anywhere,? by David Weigel. Nancy Pelosi tries to convince reporters that Democrats can take back the House, but David Weigel?s not buying it?especially not after the 2011 redistricting. ?That would mean that the people who drew the districts didn't do very good jobs,? a pollster tells Weigel.

?There Will Be No Bacon Shortage: How a British trade association press release sent the Internet into a senseless panic,? by Matthew Yglesias. We won?t run out of bacon, but we might have to pay a bit more for it. Matthew Yglesias traces the bacon shortage rumor back to its source.

?NFL 2012: The scab refs and the NFL slide deeper into incompetence,? by Drew Magary. The referee lockout is finally over. Relive the madness with Week 3 of Slate?s season-long NFL roundtable with Deadspin, where Drew Magary, Chris Kluwe, Barry Petchesky, and Stefan Fatsis analyze the botched call heard around the world.


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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Understanding Online Business Success | Content for Reprint

Author: Mike Christie | Total views: 71 Comments: 0
Word Count: 653 Date:

Several years ago my wife and I decided to plant an above ground vegetable garden. The concept is relatively simple. You build a box to hold your soil and organic materials, and then plant your seeds. The benefit of an above ground garden is that you don't have to dig up your yard and deal with rocks, roots, and poor soil.

We were excited to get started and made a list of everything we needed. Once the box was constructed, we layered in the manure, organic materials, and top soil. Finally, we laid out our vegetable rows and planted the seeds, topped with a light layer of planting straw, and watered. Then we waited, and waited, and waited. Nothing happened. Every morning as soon as it was light, I would run out to the garden to see what was growing. Every morning it was the same story, nothing. I was discouraged.

Starting a business from home to earn income online is a lot like planting a vegetable garden from seeds. You work like crazy to get from the idea stage to implementation. You create your business plan, design a website, find someone to host your blog, build an auto responder, write and track your ads, create content, etc. You are ready and anxious to make sales, and nothing happens. It is like your seeds have been planted and you are waiting for the seeds to grow. But it is not happening fast enough.

Like nature, "growing" a successful online business from your home requires an understanding of cycles. The first cycle is "startup" which is defined by frenzied activity that is new and exciting because you are taking a bold step towards securing you financial independence. The second cycle is the "planting" of your business where you are initiating the promotional campaign necessary to generate a list of prospects that can be converted to loyal customers. The third cycle is the "harvest" where you experience actual sales revenue and profit from your efforts.

The timing of these cycles is what I believe discourages many who start their own home based businesses with the best of intentions. For me, the startup cycle was fun, energizing, and exciting. I love to learn new things and this phase was pure joy. Same with the planting cycle; nothing but positive energy and anticipation. In the first 6 months of my online business venture, I brought in a total of $20. All that time, effort, and money for twenty bucks?! This is where my vegetable garden experience helped.

From the time that we planted the seeds in our new vegetable garden, it took 6 weeks of daily watering and plucking weeds before we saw the earliest signs of seed germination. From that point, it was another 6 weeks of watering, weeding, and pest control before the garden actually started to take on the look of a garden that was going to produce results. Four months into it, we started taking out fresh organic vegetables and putting them on the dinner table. The harvets cycle was very satisfying, but it took alot of patience and confidence that with the right effort, the vegetables would grow.

Back to the business - Most people who have not had the vegetable garden experience would have given up after making only twenty bucks after six months. Not me. I knew that the seeds had been planted, and I was diligently watering and weeding daily in the form of email marketing and content distribution to build my subscriber list. True, six months may seem like a long time to not generate revenue from your efforts, but it really isn't if you consider that the business can support you for the rest of your life. The patience and persistence paid off when the money came flowing in, just like tomatoes ripening on the vine.

Michael Christie owns http://www.CashflowAnimal.comnwhere popular home business ideas and opportunities are testednrigorously to find out what works and what doesn't. Visitntoday for more info or check out our #1 work-at-home program at:n

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#SciAmBlogs Thursday - water on Mars, March of Progress, evil of books, Rinderpest extinction, green beard, ecological drones, dissolvable medical sensors, and more.

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Bora ZivkovicBora Zivkovic is the Blog Editor at Scientific American, chronobiologist, biology teacher, organizer of ScienceOnline conferences and editor of Open Laboratory anthologies of best science writing on the Web. Follow on Twitter @boraz. Bora ZivkovicBora Zivkovic is the Blog Editor at Scientific American, chronobiologist, biology teacher, organizer of ScienceOnline conferences and editor of Open Laboratory anthologies of best science writing on the Web. Follow on Twitter @boraz.

#SciAmBlogs Thursday ? water on Mars, March of Progress, evil of books, Rinderpest extinction, green beard, ecological drones, dissolvable medical sensors, and more.

Bora ZivkovicAbout the Author: Bora Zivkovic is the Blog Editor at Scientific American, chronobiologist, biology teacher, organizer of ScienceOnline conferences and editor of Open Laboratory anthologies of best science writing on the Web. Follow on Twitter @boraz.

The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Scientific American.


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Friday, September 28, 2012

Will Asian online game publishers Nexon and NCSoft buy ...

Nexon and NCsoft, two major Asian online game companies, are reportedly in talks with U.S. game maker Valve to buy the company for more than $893 million, according to a major Korean publication.

Joongang News reported that the companies recently met together on Sept. 26 in Hawaii to discuss a possible merger. Valve is a major publisher of games such as Portal 2 (pictured) and Left 4 Dead, and it also operates the Steam digital distribution service with tens of millions of customers.

Nexon spokesman Mike Crouch declined to comment. Valve?s spokesman hasn?t commented yet. If the talks are true, it shows the increasingly global nature of the video game business. China?s Tencent recently made an investment in U.S.-based Epic Games, the maker of the Unreal game engine and The Gears of War game series. Valve is another extremely influential game company, originally founded in 1996 by former Microsoft veterans Gabe Newell and Mike Harrington. They started out with a mega-hit, Half-Life, and have grown the company to more than 300 employees.

Valve is so interesting that the New York Times recently profiled the company and its attempts to create a wearable gaming computer, a version of Steam for TVs, and its dispute with Microsoft over the launch of Windows 8, which will have an app store that may shut Valve?s Steam out of the picture. Valve also has a non-traditional management structure, where no employees have formal titles and projects tend to self-assemble. Some of the ideas at Valve may seem crazy, but Steam was once such a silly idea. Now it has given Valve control of maybe 70 percent of the game downloading business on PCs.

Nexon is a pioneer in free-to-play games such as MapleStory, where users play for free and pay real money for virtual goods. Over the past decade, Nexon?s model has caught hold in the industry. Meanwhile, it has propelled Nexon to great heights. The company moved its headquarters from Seoul to Tokyo last year and then raised $1 billion in an initial public offering. It spent $688 million to buy majority control of NCsoft, a massively multiplayer online game publisher of titles such as Lineage. The transactions show that Asian online game companies are becoming big players on the global stage, and they may be in a position to buy a lot of U.S. companies.

Valve and Nexon are partnering on an upcoming version of Counter-Strike, and they likely met in Hawaii at Nexon?s developer summit, Joongang News reported.

Thanks to Taeyang Yoon for translation.


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Historic collection of naturalist Alfred Wallace goes online for the first time

Historic collection of naturalist Alfred Wallace goes online for the first time [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Sep-2012
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Contact: Ng Tse Wei
National University of Singapore

Treasure-trove of writings and images by the co-discoverer of natural selection; Project directed by researcher from the National University of Singapore

27 September 2012, Singapore The complete works of the great naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace will be made freely available online today on the Wallace Online website. This project was directed by historian Dr John van Wyhe from the National University of Singapore (NUS).

Among the thousands of pages of writings, it includes the first announcement of the theory of evolution by natural selection. The Wallace Online project was made possible by an anonymous grant from an American donor.

Wallace and Darwin

Since the scientist's death 99 years ago, Wallace's complete publications have never been gathered together. The new website is unveiled in time for the centenary celebrations in 2013 that mark the anniversary of Wallace's death in 1913.

Back in the 1850s, Wallace independently formulated the theory of evolution by natural selection during a fit of tropical fever. He later sent an outline of the theory in one of the greatest ironies in history to Charles Darwin. To avoid a priority dispute, papers by both men were read together at a London scientific meeting in July 1858. The event unleashed the Darwinian revolution whose shockwaves continue to this day.

Wallace has long been in the shadow of his more famous contemporary Charles Darwin. The compilation of this new website is timely and long overdue. It provides 28,000 pages of searchable historical documents and 22,000 images. They can now be seen free of charge by anyone around the globe at Wallace Online ( href=

Wallace's contributions to biodiversity

Wallace spent four years as a collector in Brazil (1848-1853) and eight years in Southeast Asia (1854-1862). In addition to collecting an astonishing 125,000 specimens of insects and birds, Wallace proposed a sharp dividing line between the Asian and Australian animals in the archipelago. This line still bears his name today and is called The Wallace Line.

Dr van Wyhe, said: "Wallace was one of the most influential scientists in history. But until now, it has been impossible to see all of his writings. For the first time, this collection allows anyone to search through his writings about Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, and see many of the birds and insects that he collected."

Dr van Wyhe holds a joint appointment as Senior Lecturer at NUS' Department of Biological Sciences and the Department of History, under Faculty of Science and Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, respectively. He is also the founder and director of the award-winning Darwin Online ( at the University of


Cambridge, UK.

Links examples:

Thousands of rare illustrations:

Wallace's book on the region:

About the National University of Singapore

A leading global university centred in Asia, the National University of Singapore (NUS) is Singapore's flagship university which offers a global approach to education and research, with a focus on Asian perspectives and expertise.

NUS has 16 faculties and schools across three campuses. Its transformative education includes a broad-based curriculum underscored by multi-disciplinary courses and cross-faculty enrichment. Over 37,000 students from 100 countries enrich the community with their diverse social and cultural perspectives.

NUS has three Research Centres of Excellence (RCE) and 22 university-level research institutes and centres. It is also a partner in Singapore's 5th RCE. NUS shares a close affiliation with 16 national-level research institutes and centres. Research activities are strategic and robust, and NUS is well-known for its research strengths in engineering, life sciences and biomedicine, social sciences and natural sciences. It also strives to create a supportive and innovative environment to promote creative enterprise within its community.

For more information, please visit

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Historic collection of naturalist Alfred Wallace goes online for the first time [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Sep-2012
[ | E-mail | Share Share ]

Contact: Ng Tse Wei
National University of Singapore

Treasure-trove of writings and images by the co-discoverer of natural selection; Project directed by researcher from the National University of Singapore

27 September 2012, Singapore The complete works of the great naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace will be made freely available online today on the Wallace Online website. This project was directed by historian Dr John van Wyhe from the National University of Singapore (NUS).

Among the thousands of pages of writings, it includes the first announcement of the theory of evolution by natural selection. The Wallace Online project was made possible by an anonymous grant from an American donor.

Wallace and Darwin

Since the scientist's death 99 years ago, Wallace's complete publications have never been gathered together. The new website is unveiled in time for the centenary celebrations in 2013 that mark the anniversary of Wallace's death in 1913.

Back in the 1850s, Wallace independently formulated the theory of evolution by natural selection during a fit of tropical fever. He later sent an outline of the theory in one of the greatest ironies in history to Charles Darwin. To avoid a priority dispute, papers by both men were read together at a London scientific meeting in July 1858. The event unleashed the Darwinian revolution whose shockwaves continue to this day.

Wallace has long been in the shadow of his more famous contemporary Charles Darwin. The compilation of this new website is timely and long overdue. It provides 28,000 pages of searchable historical documents and 22,000 images. They can now be seen free of charge by anyone around the globe at Wallace Online ( href=

Wallace's contributions to biodiversity

Wallace spent four years as a collector in Brazil (1848-1853) and eight years in Southeast Asia (1854-1862). In addition to collecting an astonishing 125,000 specimens of insects and birds, Wallace proposed a sharp dividing line between the Asian and Australian animals in the archipelago. This line still bears his name today and is called The Wallace Line.

Dr van Wyhe, said: "Wallace was one of the most influential scientists in history. But until now, it has been impossible to see all of his writings. For the first time, this collection allows anyone to search through his writings about Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, and see many of the birds and insects that he collected."

Dr van Wyhe holds a joint appointment as Senior Lecturer at NUS' Department of Biological Sciences and the Department of History, under Faculty of Science and Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, respectively. He is also the founder and director of the award-winning Darwin Online ( at the University of


Cambridge, UK.

Links examples:

Thousands of rare illustrations:

Wallace's book on the region:

About the National University of Singapore

A leading global university centred in Asia, the National University of Singapore (NUS) is Singapore's flagship university which offers a global approach to education and research, with a focus on Asian perspectives and expertise.

NUS has 16 faculties and schools across three campuses. Its transformative education includes a broad-based curriculum underscored by multi-disciplinary courses and cross-faculty enrichment. Over 37,000 students from 100 countries enrich the community with their diverse social and cultural perspectives.

NUS has three Research Centres of Excellence (RCE) and 22 university-level research institutes and centres. It is also a partner in Singapore's 5th RCE. NUS shares a close affiliation with 16 national-level research institutes and centres. Research activities are strategic and robust, and NUS is well-known for its research strengths in engineering, life sciences and biomedicine, social sciences and natural sciences. It also strives to create a supportive and innovative environment to promote creative enterprise within its community.

For more information, please visit

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Obama flubs line on jobs, says he's 'channeling' Romney


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bulgaria pioneers new way to rank universities

Courtesy of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education

Sergei Ignatov, Bulgarian minister of education, has been pushing independent governing boards and outside accreditation for the nation's colleges and universities.

By Tom Marshall, The Hechinger Report

SOFIA, Bulgaria ? Petar Stanchev is the kind of student Bulgaria needs to keep. Last year, according to the country?s Association of Private Universities, more than half of its college-bound students applied to institutions abroad.

The 23-year-old planned to remain in this mountainous, verdant patch of southeastern Europe. For two years, working toward a bachelor?s degree in journalism, he showed up for classes in sociology and media at the prestigious Sofia University. The problem was, his teachers didn?t.

?I had a French teacher who didn?t come to lectures for weeks as though it was normal,? he said. ?There were whole groups of us who were waiting for a lecturer who didn?t even bother to send us an email or let us know.? Finally, last spring, Stanchev got so fed up that he left home for university in the United Kingdom.

Such problems have sparked a fiery struggle over the future of higher education here. Sergei Ignatov, the brash education minister of Bulgaria?s center-right government, is pushing a raft of market-based reforms aimed at raising quality, shining a light on moribund university programs, and stemming the tide of departing students. His most ambitious initiative is an online university ranking system, which allows students to figure out which programs will help them succeed in the job market.

?I think this is the most transparent and clearly structured university ranking system I?ve ever come across,? said the late Cyrus Reed, former provost of the American University in Bulgaria. ?It?s really a major step forward.?

Bulgaria?s neighbors are also experimenting with different approaches to improve their higher-education systems. In Romania, the government placed video cameras in high-school exam rooms to combat cheating. Under the camera?s watchful eye, passing rates on the university entrance exam plunged from 81 percent in 2009 to an all-time low of 45 percent in 2011. At South East European University in Macedonia, each professor and staff member is critiqued annually under a rigorous quality control system. Bulgaria, which joined the European Union five years ago, has earned the most praise, however, including a mostly laudatory report from the World Bank.

Q&A: How are Bulgarian universities trying to move past Soviet-style teaching?

Still, Ignatov?s efforts have not been wholly welcomed. Critics fear that he wants to fully privatize the 274,000-student system, which includes 37 public and 14 private institutions. Protesters have haunted his three-year tenure, even carrying a black coffin with a mummy made to look like him. The stress, Ignatov said, made his hair fall out.

Bulgarians have reason to distrust the free market, which has offered it a bruising ride since the fall of Communism in 1989. The country escaped the wars that accompanied the break-up of its western neighbor, Yugoslavia, but its economic output plummeted. According to World Bank data, per capita GDP fell from $1,845 in 1988 to $1,373 in 1997, measured in constant dollars.

It took 15 years for GDP to climb back to its 1988 level, only to plunge again with the global economy in 2008. Even as budgets dried up and infrastructure crumbled, university enrollment rates have more than doubled since 1990. ?All the quality of education in Bulgaria was destroyed,? Ignatov said of the post-Communist years.??We lost a lot of ground.?

U.S. businesses look abroad
In the late 20th century, Eastern Europe?s longest-serving ruler, Todor Zhivkov, presided over Bulgaria when its university system was a point of national pride. Tuition was free, entrance exams were tough, and the nation gained a reputation for technical excellence. Its graduates helped build the Eastern bloc?s first generation of personal computers, while the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences worked on satellite equipment and prepared cosmonauts for outer space.

Hewlett-Packard was sufficiently impressed with the country?s talent pool that in 2006 it opened a global support center here, the Bulgarian capital. The company needed 4,000 highly trained employees, so it forged relationships with three universities, including the public Sofia University, training professors and building state-of-the-art computer labs. High-performing instructors earned bonuses and the company hired many students right out of college.

Read more education analysis at The Hechinger Report

One of them was Ivan Ivaylo, who was hired as an HP service delivery manager and program lecturer in 2008 following his graduation from Sofia University. There was initial skepticism about dropping Soviet-style lectures to learn from companies. Ivaylo recalled, ?We had senior management from the university coming to see with their own eyes that this was working.?

The results are clear: To date, the classes have trained more than 1,000 students, with other companies like Microsoft Corp. and Cisco Systems, Inc. developing similar programs. They have helped Bulgaria become a magnet for high-tech outsourcing.

Sasha Bezuhanova, director of HP?s public-sector operations for Central and Eastern Europe, is eager to demonstrate the model?s potential. She envisions ?an entire ecosystem around innovation? in which Bulgarian universities conduct research and companies like HP turn the results into marketable products ? much as happens in Silicon Valley.

But here, too, are obstacles. Under Communist-era regulations, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences ? not universities ? held responsibility for high-end research. Last year, Ignatov got the law changed and began transferring funds to universities.

But many students, including Stanchev, object to the move. ?Why would we basically destroy the Academy of Sciences, which has many successful projects?? he asked. ?Create the environment for research, but don?t destroy something that?s already working.?

Rankings use tax, employment data
Ignatov is not afraid to challenge the status quo. He defends much-criticized university fee increases that were pushed through parliament without discussion. He dismantled a Soviet-era government commission that until 2010 held exclusive power to award doctoral degrees and professorships. Under the commission?s watch, one applicant returned from England bearing a newly minted degree from the University of Oxford, only to be informed he had to prove that such a university existed.

Ignatov is also pushing university rectors to set up independent governing boards and seek outside accreditation, rather than rely solely on a national body that deemed more than 90 percent of Bulgaria?s universities ?good? or ?very good? in its first round of ratings.

Ignatov is most proud of the online ranking system, unveiled two years ago. Reed, who served as provost of the American University in Bulgaria until his death from injuries suffered in a car accident in July, characterized the system as miles beyond the popular U.S. News & World Report rankings, because ?in this case, they tell you exactly how they got it and they let you manipulate it yourself.? Users can also compare majors and programs according to their own priorities. Looking for professors who show up for class and forge relationships with students? Curious about which biology program is best at helping graduates find jobs? With a few clicks, students can find out.

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Boyan Zahariev, program director for governance and public policies at the Open Society Foundations, a philanthropy run by George Soros, oversaw the creation of the ranking system. Zahariev?s team was frustrated by what they saw elsewhere: a hodgepodge of surveys that relied on subjective factors like a university?s reputation, rather than more objective measures of quality. Beginning in 2007, they began pursuing what some consider the Holy Grail of university ranking systems: solid information on student earnings following graduation. Armed with a government contract and extra funding from the European Union, they delved into a rich trove of government data on graduates? tax payments and unemployment status.

The data don?t include actual salaries or account for graduates who take jobs outside Bulgaria, but they do show which university programs place the most graduates in upper-income brackets within Bulgaria. Such information can be difficult to access in many countries, even among government agencies, Zahariev said. Bulgaria protects privacy by aggregating the data and using an identifying number rather than a student?s name.

Some universities initially balked at requests for data on class size, library holdings, professor credentials and other factors in the rankings. But they knew they couldn?t stonewall a government project, and institutions often found that some of those details actually improved their rankings, Zahariev said.

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That information is balanced by 15,000 student surveys administered by an outside research firm. It?s one thing to know the student-teacher ratio or the size of the library collection, but the surveys offer a real-world contrast, said the program coordinator Anita Baikusheva. Does your professor show up for class and make herself available for conferences? How useful is that big library collection?

The government is already using the ranking system to dole out precious supplemental funding. ?My purpose is to introduce this more competitive way of financing universities, from excellent to bad,? Ignatov said. He added that though he doesn?t yet have the legal right to say so, ?next year, maybe we?ll start to cut the finances of the bad institutions.?

Don Westerheijden, an expert on student information systems at the University of Twente?in the Netherlands who acted as a consultant on the rankings, believes Bulgaria?s new system deserves a close look by other nations, including the United States. He knows of no other system that uses government tax or employment data to estimate the earning power of a college degree.

Stanchev, for his part, wishes the rankings had been in place when he was choosing a program ? he might have chosen to remain in his native country.

This story, "Bulgaria pioneers new approach to ranking universities,"?was produced by The Hechinger Report, a nonprofit, nonpartisan education-news outlet based at Teachers College, Columbia University. It is?one in?a series?focused on what the United States can learn about higher education from other countries.

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Angelique makes her pitch for Uni Games glory | UTS News Room

UTS's Angelique Temple is touted by her softball team mates as the best player on the team, and with very good reason.? The 26 year old started pitching for a softball team at the age of ten, and last year she was awarded a university scholarship to study overseas in America where she played as a pitcher at college level.

This year Temple is back pitching at her first ever Australian University Games (AUG) in Adelaide, having recovered from a shoulder reconstruction upon her return from America.?

Angelique explains that her style of pitching takes its toll physically. "I'm going to be pretty sore tonight, it's pretty dangerous if you don't know what you're doing," Temple said.

The aspiring athlete's biggest achievement to date has been as a four-time representative for NSW at state level in Australia which lead to her being able to play at college level in America. Eventually Temple hopes to represent Australia at a national level.

At UTS she is undertaking a Graduate Diploma in Marketing part-time and working for UTS Union as its Marketing, Communications and Brand Manager.

Though she may have played at a higher level than some of her counterparts, at this week's AUG Temple has still got a good level of humility to display as she explained, "I still get hit for the occasional home run in my local competition. I got hit for a home run one a week ago. It was devastating, I could have cried," she said.

After the Uni Games she will focus on being selected from state level to play at a national level, but until then it's all fun and games in Adelaide before the journey back to Sydney.

UTS Union Sport and Recreation Manager Aimee Purcell said the UTS softball team was second on the table with two games to go today before the grand final.

"We have a number of medal chances with semi-finals all starting today," she said.

"Our mixed handball and men's tennis teams are undefeated so far, and mixed netball, women's touch, men's basketball and men's football have all made the semis.

"We are also getting results in some of the individual sports ? our athletics women have won several medals in the 10km and 3km steeplechase and are currently sitting in fourth place overall, and our swimmers have also won a gold and a bronze.

"We are hoping for a top 10 finish overall this year ? the final results will be announced on Friday night."


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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

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PFT: Even before Monday night?s Packers-Seahawks game, the officiating lockout had reached a tipping point. Casual, Super-Bowl-only fans were buzzing about the brouhaha, and the NFL?s ?remain calm . . . all is well . . . ALL IS WELL!? mantra was regarded as laughable. But the NFL had been lucky. No game had been decided by a bad call in a decisive moment. So much for that.


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Neil Patrick Harris adding author to his stage, film, TV credits

LOS ANGELES ( - Neil Patrick Harris, star of stage, television and film, is adding "author" to his extensive r?sume.

The singer, director, producer, three-time Emmy-winning actor and perennial awards show host plans to release a memoir chronicling his life from Doogie Howser to coming out to "How I met your mother" to parenthood.

Yet to be titled, the comedy-heavy book will be "an imaginative nonfiction that delivers an interactive, nonlinear reading experience," Crown Archetype, which is publishing the book, announced on Friday.

Harris' memoir will release in print and digital formats across the U.S. and Canada in 2014.

"I'm excited to be writing a book of the observations and stories of my life," he said in a statement. "I read with great fondness Tina Fey's ?Bossypants,' so my plan is just to reprint those exact stories but change the names to people that I knew. What editor would take issue with that?"

Harris began his Hollywood career in 1988, playing opposite Whoopi Goldberg in "Clara's Heart." From 1989 to 1993, he gained fame as the child lead character in "Doogie Howser, M.D."

Harris is also known for his roles as the womanizing Barney Stinson in "How I Met Your Mother," a fictionalized version of himself in the "Harold & Kumar" movie franchise and the title role in Joss Whedon's musical web series "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog."


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Valve threatened with legal action by German consumer group ...

A German consumer advocacy group has challenged Valve for allegedly unfair enforcement of Steam's latest end-user license agreement and failure to allow users to resell game licenses. CinemaBlend reports the Federation of German Consumer Organizations has given the Washington-based company until October 10 to respond or it will take the case to court.

The German group claims Valve illegally coerced its users to consent to a new EULA (which forbade class-action lawsuits against the company, among other stipulations) in August by holding access to their paid library of games hostage. It also references a July EU court ruling that software manufacturers must allow for consumer resale of software licenses; Steam currently has no mechanism to allow for the transfer of activated games between user accounts.

The Federation of German Consumer Organizations has called out other video game companies before. In July it alleged Blizzard did not do enough to inform German consumers that Diablo III requires a constant online connection to play, who were then left out in the cold when servers went down.

GamesRadar has reached out to Valve for comment on the legal threats, but received no response as of publication time.


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Why You Should Invest in Growth, Not Value

by Alexander Green, Investment U Chief Investment Strategist
Tuesday, September 25, 2012: Issue #1868

Patrick Henry famously declared that he knew no way of judging the future but by the past.

So if you?re putting together a long-term investment portfolio, it might be wise to look at the historical returns for various types of assets. Not just for the past few years, or for several decades, but for the past couple centuries.

When you do this, you?ll notice something interesting:

  • Owning a portfolio of businesses (stocks) has generally been much more rewarding than making loans to corporations or Uncle Sam (bonds) or sticking your money in the bank (cash).
  • Look closer at the clear winner (equities) and you?ll also find that value stocks have outperformed growth stocks over the long haul and that small-cap value has beaten large-cap value by a substantial margin.

It therefore follows that an investor seeking maximum capital appreciation might focus on identifying undervalued small-cap stocks.

But there?s only one problem with this: It won?t work for most investors, even if the future is very much like the past. Here?s why?

Beware the Infamous Value Trap

Value stocks require something that growth stocks don?t: Patience.

When a stock ? either large or small ? is in the cellar, it?s there for a reason. Typical ones are that the company is:

  • Losing market share?
  • Seeing its margins fall?
  • Is losing money?
  • Or is experiencing flattish sales and declining profits.

As a value investor, you don?t know when this state of affairs will end, but you might be tempted to invest in a company if it?s relatively cheap in relation to sales, earnings, or book value (i.e. net worth) in the hope that management will set things right.

The problem is this can take quite a long time. Or it may never happen at all. As the stock gets cheaper and cheaper, you may believe it?s becoming an even better bargain. This is the classic ?value trap.? And if you keep buying a stock on the way down, it may very well have your name on it when it hits rock bottom.

Dead Money With Decent Dividends

Even if a value stock is destined to generate a good return over, say, a three- to five-year horizon, most investors won?t be around to enjoy it.

How do I know this? Because as a former money manager, I?ve dealt with thousands of ?typical investors.? And regardless of what they say in their initial interview about their willingness to stay the course and think long term, it all goes out the window for 90% of them when the road gets bumpy. Or if things don?t kick into gear right away.

A client who sits on a stock ? or even a stock fund ? for six months and doesn?t see a spark will remind you with every conversation that he or she is sitting on ?dead money.?

No argument there ? they are (at least temporarily). But value stocks often pay decent dividends that help compensate for this. Early in my career, however, I got tired of holding hands and counseling patience and switched from a value to a growth methodology.

It was a good move. If you want action, you should have it?

There?s No Shortage of Excitement With Growth Stocks

Buy the best growth stocks you can find. Given that they tend to be twice as volatile as the market (and twice as expensive), there is generally no shortage of day-to-day excitement.

But if you use a trailing stop, you can generate results that are much better than historical long-term returns (which always assume a buy-and-hold approach) and with less risk because your positions are fully protected.

So unless you have the patience of Job ? and most investors don?t ? you?re better off owning growth stocks than value stocks and, of course, using a trailing stop.

Good Investing,


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Kean/Singer Student Loan Literacy Legislation Clears Committee ...

Legislation sponsored by Senators Tom Kean, Jr. (R-Union) and Robert W. Singer (R- Ocean) designed to help high school students better understand the financial obligations they are incurring when taking out student loans to finance their post-secondary education has been approved by the Senate Higher Education Committee.

The bill, S- 2150, requires the Higher Education Student Assistance Authority (HESAA) to develop a document containing student loan repayment information on state, federal and private student loans, and mandates that document be disseminated by school districts and nonpublic high schools to students.

Kean said that student loan debt presents challenges to new graduates that they may or may not have foreseen when choosing what institution to attend or degree to pursue.

?Americans citizens are now in greater debt for student loans than they are their cars or credit cards,? said Kean. ?It is straining our economy and severely crippling the financial stability of graduates just starting out in life during an economic downturn. Just as important for young people as having access to education financing is having access to information that spells out explicitly what the loans mean for their personal finances after graduation. Young people and their parents need to make smart choices about their education based in part on how the debt they will incur helps their job prospects and earning potential after graduation.?

Singer said that for most high school graduates, student loans are the first major financial transaction they will make in their lives.

?Student loans are being taken out by young people who likely have never incurred a major financial obligation in their lives and have limited financial literacy,? said Singer, who sits on the board of Georgian Court University in Lakewood. ?They need to have a grasp of what loan repayment will mean for them prior to deciding where they go to school, what they will study, and how much money they will borrow. We cannot just expect that a teenager is going to grasp what it means to finance an education costing tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars without illustrating it for them.?

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Health Issues ? Healthy Mothers Deliver Healthy Babies : Diet plan ...


In the fast life of the day, one often delays the issue of marriage; children and Health issues are pushed as further away as possible, as issues of finance gain precedence over all the other issues. Often, career is the main concern. It is very difficult to get into a career of one?s choice in the first place and to maintain it is even more difficult. Therefore, when the question of pregnancy arises, one immediately gets visions of unemployment, which brings jitters of fear. There are other issues as well, like family compulsions and physical weaknesses, which need to be cleared, before one can decide to become a mother. Usually one is so engrossed with one?s work that one easily crosses the age of healthy pregnancy. However, it should not be so, and this is where pre pregnancy planning gains importance. health issues, foods, women?s most fertile period, all these important considerations should remain in the mind of every woman to Deliver healthy Babies.

Keep Your Mind And Body Fit

When women older than 35 years decide to get pregnant, they can have congenital abnormalities in the newborn baby. As one ages, one also catches some form of illness or the other. High blood pressure, diabetes, blood pressure, anxiety, piles, weakness in the bones and limbs are some of the common ailments of today?s environment. In case the mother has any of the above, which is not treated properly before conceiving, the prospective child can have many abnormalities.

Some Common Ailments

Hypertension is common when twins are born. Older women too have this condition. During the stage of pregnancy planning, a well-controlled regimen of exercise can handle hypertension. One has to be very cautious in this stage. Constant monitoring is required under the guidance of a qualified medical practitioner. You need to remain stress free, and in a diet plan that keep a check on your weight. A little meditation also helps in curing hypertension. You also have to take medicines recommended by the doctor.

Diabetes is a disease that does not allow you to die and it does not allow you to live as well. In a natural condition the level of sugar in the blood rises with every intake of food and liquid. The pancreas of the body creates a chemical called insulin, which neutralizes the raised sugar content in blood. Under the influence of diabetes, pancreas stops creating insulin and the sugar level continues to rise, affecting the organs of the body. If diabetes is not controlled, you might lose your kidneys, eyes, heart and other organs of your body one by one. Diabetes can be controlled by administering insulin by injection. This condition needs to be in full control at the pre pregnancy planning stage lest this disease cripples the infant.

Heart diseases are common concerns of doctors worldwide nowadays. Especially with couples who wish to become parents at a later stage in their life, doctors insist on a complete checkup for defects in the valve, rheumatic heart disease, hole in the heart etc. After all clearances, the consultant decides whether you should become parents or not. Parents with heart disease are advised complete bed rest in the pre-pregnancy planning period. Any miscalculation can lead to a miscarriage or premature fetal death.

There are other diseases like thyroid, cancer, tuberculosis that need to be disclosed, and discussed in complete confidence with your consultant. The advice of the consultant is the final word in this matter, after all tests to consider competency have been conducted. Never ever, hide such illness, as they can be fatal for the mother and or the baby.

Genetic disorders, exposure to radiation and other harmful fluid (as in factories), Urinary infections and venereal diseases are some other reasons for would-be mothers to remain on their toes. Always be very sure of your medical condition before you attempt to become a mother.

If you take care of pregnancy planning health Issues about your and your partner?s health as a part of pre pregnancy planning you can enjoy a healthy pregnancy. By taking care of simple food and lifestyle, related issues you can to a great extent avoid male infertility or female infertility. If you are facing any such issues, contact your doctor who would advice you regarding women?s most fertile period and possible infertility treatments or tips to boost male fertility. Visit Pregnancy Planning for more information regarding getting pregnant, fertility and other pregnancy related issues.

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